It’s important to know what you can legally do with the online books that you download here. The copyrights within a book may guide you on what you can and cannot do with it.

If a book contains no copyright information, it is illegal to distribute or alter without written permission. You must assume it has the most restrictive copyright.

Excerpt from Lethenteron and Syrf’s PDF “Additives Used in Blood: Variable Safety for Human Consumption”. Permissions granted for use.

Identifying the License

The copyright information (shown in the image) can usually be found near the beginning of the book and comes with a summary of the copyright as well as a link to where you can learn more about it.

The most common type of licenses are the Creative Commons licenses (identified by the “CC”), which in summary let you do whatever you wish with the work, with some exceptions depending on the license (shown below).

Using the information provided below, we now know that we can copy, distribute and display this book, so long as we give credits to the author(s), we don’t do it for commercial purposes and we don’t modify it.

Public Domain

If you see this, it essentially means that anything goes and the work has no ownership.

Attribution (BY)

If you do anything with this work (e.g. copying, distributing, displaying, creating derivative works of) you must give the author credits as specified by them.

Non-Commercial (NC)

You cannot do anything with this work (e.g. copy, distribute, display etc.) for commercial purposes.

Share-Alike (SA)

You cannot distribute a derivative work with a license more restrictive than the original one.

No Derivative Works (ND)

You may copy, distribute and display the work, but you may not copy, distribute or display derivatives of the work. Basically, you may not modify the work.
For more information on the Creative Commons licenses, click here.