Poser une Question.
What are sangs and psis?
Sangs and psis are the two kinds of people that this website is for.
Sang is short for sanguinarian. It is a term for people who regularly require blood from external sources in order to remain healthy and functional. It is neither a roleplay nor kink thing but seen more as a medical condition to those afflicted by it.
The condition is permanent, often from birth. Withdrawals never ease over time.
Psi is the 'energy' equivalent of a sang. They claim to require energy from others instead of blood.
How do sangs/psis compare to vampires?
sangs/psis are just ordinary people afflicted with such a condition.
What are sangs and psis?
Sangs and psis are the two kinds of people that this website is for.
Sang is short for sanguinarian. It is a term for people who regularly require blood from external sources in order to remain healthy and functional. It is neither a roleplay nor kink thing but seen more as a medical condition to those afflicted by it.
The condition is permanent, often from birth. Withdrawals never ease over time.
Psi is the 'energy' equivalent of a sang. They claim to require energy from others instead of blood.
How do sangs/psis compare to vampires?
sangs/psis are just ordinary people afflicted with such a condition.
How do I know if I might be a sang/psi?
The short answer is: If you find that you are unable to remain healthy or functional without regularly feeding on blood or energy, and after consulting with all relevant medical professionals, you still have been unable to identify the cause of your condition, then you could start looking into it.
I would advise you to take it slow, talk to some people and read other's experiences as much as possible. Our Discord is linked at the bottom of the website for those who wish to consult further.
Are there sangs who believe their condition is only medical?
Il y a beaucoup de sanguins qui pensent que leur état est purement médical et qu'il doit y avoir une explication matérielle et scientifique à leur besoin. Ont les trouve parfois sous la bannière de "Medical Sanguinarians" ou sanguins medicaux. Certaines communautés se distancent des autres types, et du terme de "vampire" en général et se focalisent sur la recherche scientifique et médicale dans le but de comprendre leur état.
Qu'est ce que "l'Eveil"?
Awakening is different for everyone.
It is a process that typically occurs shortly after a person has finished going through puberty, but people have been known to awaken at all ages.
Is is a process in which a person realizes they're a sanguinarian/psi, accompanied with gradual changes to themselves.
Are there members of the community who pretend to be vampires or act like fictional vampires?
Oui, Il y aura toujours des "posers" dans la communauté, des gens qui prétendent souffrir de vampirisme quand en réalité ce n'est pas le cas. Ces gens ne sont généralement pas les bienvenus. Il y a aussi les "Lyfestylers", des vampires (ou non) qui se déguisent en vampires de fiction et il y a un désaccord au sein de la communauté entre ceux qui sont pour ou contre ces pratiques. Certains mettent en avant que cette attitude nous empêche d’êtres pris au sérieux, donne une image complètement erronée de notre conditionet que c'est une attitude puérile et qui de préjudiciable a la communauté. D'un autre coté, d'autres proposent que, puisque des vampire peuvent se sentir ou avoir une identité de nature surnaturelle/spirituelle, certains d'entre eux se sentent plus à l'aise avec une aura de mysticisme autours d'eux. Pour certains, e peut être moins une question d'apparence et plus une manière de se sentir a l'aise dans leur propre peau, ce qu'on ne peut reprocher a personne.
How do I become a sang/psi?
A priori, vous ne pouvez pas. C'est de naissance. Mais de toute manière, pour beaucoup, c'est un état difficile a gérer.
Qu'est ce qu'un Donneur?
A donor is an individual who regularly donates blood, energy or both to sangs & psis.
Donors typically screen for STDs before donating and make sure it is done legally and safely.
Site Web
Ce site est-il un site de jeu de rôle?
Comment fonctionne le système de notation de l'Annuaire Web?
The rating system is automatic and is based completely off the tags assigned to it. For more information, see Web Directory -> The Rating System.
Qu'est ce que "l'Annuaire Web"
The Web Directory is a directory of websites regarding vampires, donors, otherkin and therians.
The directory hosted here is one of the most comprehensive VDOT directories out there, containing over 400 links, and is updated bi-annually.
Qu'est ce que la section "Se Nourrir"?
The Feed Directory is a directory of people and groups consisting of sangs, psis and donors.
The directory is for these groups to come together and meet like-minded people.
Only sangs, psis and donors are permitted to register for the feed directory.
Est-ce qui n'importe qui peut créer un compte?
No, you must be either a sang, psi or donor. See "What is the Feed Directory?"
What are The Black Books' goals?
Our primary focus is to help like-minded people meet and find each other, achieved via the Feed Directory.
We also focus on providing informational content via the Library and FAQ, and helping people connect via the Web Directory.
With the team coming from different types, cultures and walks of life, we define sangs, psis & hybrids as "Individuals who regularly require blood/energy from external sources in order to remain healthy and functional.", and our philosophies for TBB unites into one central cause:
To help these people as much as possible by helping to provide what we believe to be most needed.
That is:
- To help us connect.
- To aid others in their journeys of self-exploration.
- To raise awareness of these conditions and battle misconceptions.
What is the localization page at the bottom?
That's an area for people who are translating with us. If you'd like to offer your help in translating this website to another language, please contact us.
How do I reply to contact requests?
It is intended that you communicate to each other via email.
When a user sends a contact request, you will receive an email with their own message and email address.
If you wish to continue contact with them. Email them at their address.
If you wish be contacted outside of your email address, simply include any relevant social media information on your profile.
Questions posées ici
Qui est l’auteur de ces livres?
Différents membres de la communauté. Vous trouverez normalement le nom de l'auteur sur la première page du livre.
Certaines de ces questions (Mais pas les réponses) ont éte influencées par la FAQ de Sanguinarius' qui n'est désormais plus accessible.